Divers Supply Instructor Association (DSIA) offers instructors from all certification agencies discounts on their equipment purchases and commission, as store credit, when their students and divers purchase equipment. We also offer facility support (pool, classroom and training equipment) for instructors that live near one of our facilities.  We openly recognize and support all other certification agencies and realize that we share the same goals.  Independent instructors from all certification agencies are invited to join the DSIA and membership is FREE.  To register as an instructor member we require the following information: 

To register,we require the following information:  

  • Full Name 

  • Mailing Address 

  • Home Phone Number & Day or Cell Phone Number 

  • Email Address 

  • Certification Agency & Instructor Number (all certification agencies are accepted) 

  • Instructors Card (copy of front & back)  

To receive commission (as Loyalty Dollars) when your students purchase equipment; please contact us so that we can send you the Customer Loyalty Card. 

By participating as a sponsor for the Divers Supply Dive Club, this entitles you to receive commissions on all purchases made by the members you sponsor into the Dive Club.  As a DSIA member you may offer your students and dive friends FREE MEMBERSHIP for the first year in the Divers Supply Dive Club ($25 value). This FREE DIVE CLUB MEMBERSHIP entitles them to discounts and other valuable benefits.  

For additional information see Divers Supply Dive Clubbelow.       

To REGISTER you may MAIL ,  FAX,  EMAILor bring to your local Divers Supply the required documents 

  • MAIL: Divers Supply Headquarters DSIA5208 Mercer University Drive Macon Georgia 31210 

  • FAX: (478) 471-5963 

  • Email:   [email protected] 

  • Stop by your local Divers Supply 



Divers Supply Dive Club also known as “The Dive Team” pays commission (Loyalty Dollars) to instructors when the students & divers that they have registered as club members purchase equipment. We will pay the commission, as loyalty dollars, at the end of each month. 


Instructors sponsor their students into the Dive Club by placing their name in the sponsor section of the Customer Loyalty Card and giving it to the student(s) that they are sponsoring.  The student then presents the Customer Loyalty Card at the time of purchase, so we can enter them into our data base to track and pay you commission when they purchase equipment.  For online orders, you still do the above, however the new members need to either call the 800-999-3483 after they place their first order or call to place the order and state that they are a Dive Club member and give their sponsors name.  After their first order they will no longer have to call.   


This includes full access to Divers Supply’s training facility for instructors that live near a Divers Supply store. This level of support must be approved by the store manager. 


Divers Supply Headquarters     5208 Mercer University Drive     Macon Georgia 31210  

Phone: (478) 474-6790     Fax: (478) 471-5963     Email: [email protected]