Shopping Options
  1. A.B. Biller 92 items
  2. Airline 8 items
  3. Akona 169 items
  4. Amphibious Outfitters 22 items
  5. Analox 3 items
  6. Apeks 108 items
  7. Aqua Lung 192 items
  8. Aquatic Specialties 1 item
  9. Armor 27 items
  10. Atlanta Store 13 items
  11. Atlan 2 items
  12. Atmos 9 items
  13. Atomic 121 items
  14. A-Plus Marine 1 item
  15. Backscatter 15 items
  16. Bare 43 items
  17. Big Blue 20 items
  18. Blue Steel 4 items
  19. Catalina 8 items
  20. Cyl-Tec 2 items
  21. CMC Rescue 5 items
  22. Cressi 378 items
  23. Deep See 7 items
  24. Dive Alert 9 items
  25. Dive Rite 213 items
  26. Divesoft 26 items
  27. Dive Volk 50 items
  28. Divers Supply 35 items
  29. EDGE 169 items
  30. EezyCut 5 items
  31. ERDI 31 items
  32. 500 PSI 11 items
  33. Faber 7 items
  34. Franko Maps 181 items
  35. Garmin 26 items
  36. Gear Aid 34 items
  37. Genesis 25 items
  38. GOPRO 1 item
  39. Guardian 8 items
  40. Head 11 items
  41. Henderson 100 items
  42. HOG 148 items
  43. Hollis 89 items
  44. Hyperflex 8 items
  45. Ikelite 2 items
  46. Innovative Scuba 484 items
  47. Intova 1 item
  48. IST Diving 7 items
  49. Jacksonville Store 11 items
  50. Jaws 11 items
  51. JBL Spearguns 158 items
  52. KOAH 60 items
  53. Kraken 45 items
  54. Lavacore 23 items
  55. Lavaskin 7 items
  56. Lefeet 9 items
  57. Leeward Look 4 items
  58. Light and Motion 25 items
  59. Light Monkey 1 item
  60. Macon Store 11 items
  61. Mares 396 items
  62. Marine Diving 17 items
  63. Marine Sports 133 items
  64. Nanuk 30 items
  65. Nautica 12 items
  66. Nautilus 1 item
  67. Neosport 81 items
  68. Ocean Reef 69 items
  69. Ocean Rhino 61 items
  70. Ocean Technology Systems 40 items
  71. Oceanic 106 items
  72. OdoBan 2 items
  73. Omer 15 items
  74. OMS 110 items
  75. PADI 1 item
  76. Pelican 3 items
  77. Pinnacle Aquatics 69 items
  78. Plante Innovations 1 item
  79. Poseidon 59 items
  80. Princeton Tec 16 items
  81. Roll Control Systems 22 items
  82. Scuba Max 2 items
  83. ScubaPro 481 items
  84. SDI 84 items
  85. Sea and Sea 69 items
  86. Sea Elite 112 items
  87. Sea Life Cameras 87 items
  88. Seac 233 items
  89. SeaCure 1 item
  90. Shark Banz 3 items
  91. Sharks Manufacturing 1 item
  92. Sharkskin 21 items
  93. Shearwater 44 items
  94. Sherwood 84 items
  95. SP Gadgets 1 item
  96. Stahlsac 17 items
  97. Subgear 2 items
  98. Sublue 7 items
  99. Surf Fur 1 item
  100. Suunto 74 items
  101. Submersible Systems 26 items
  102. TDI 69 items
  103. Tormenter 40 items
  104. Tovatec 30 items
  105. Trident 340 items
  106. TUSA 201 items
  107. Underwater Kinetics 51 items
  108. Underwater Spotter 10 items
  109. Vindicator 2 items
  110. Waterproof 7 items
  111. Watershed 1 item
  112. White Knuckle 44 items
  113. XS Scuba 212 items
  114. XS-FOTO 7 items
  115. Yamaha Scooters 1 item
  116. Zeagle 119 items

Cyber Week Deals

When is the best time to buy diving gear? Every day! When is the second-best time to buy diving gear? During Black Friday deals

Free on Orders Over $50

Free 2 Day Air On Select Items

Best Prices & Deals

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Top Deals

Mares Sale For 20% OffMares Sale For 20% Off
Tusa Sale For 20% OffTusa Sale For 20% Off
Black Friday Secret Bundle
Regulator Basic Add-On Kit
As low as $64.94 was $99.95
Mares Puck Pro Plus Wrist Dive Computer
As low as $154.95 was $219.95
Save $11.74
Hog Pro BCD PackageHog Pro BCD Package

Scuba Gear System Package of the Month

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Scuba Gear Complete System PackageScuba Gear Complete System Package

The new Deluxe Flex Harness is designed to be the perfect harness for divers of all types and diving styles.

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Scuba Gear Complete System PackageScuba Gear Complete System Package

Light up these deals With a New Hog Light

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Hog D3 Zenith Scuba Package with Dive ComputerHog D3 Zenith Scuba Package with Dive Computer

Get Ready To Dive Deep With The Hog D3 Zenith Scuba Package With Dive Computer! We're Making A Splash With Our Biggest Sale Yet - $500.00 Off!

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Pro Back Inflation PackagePro Back Inflation Package

Deal Keep Diving! Get $285.00 Off With The Pro Back Inflation Package!!

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Hog D3 Zenith Scuba Package with Dive ComputerHog D3 Zenith Scuba Package with Dive Computer

Get Hooked On The Sea Elite Covert Env Value Regulator Package And Reel In A Discount Of $200.00 For All You New Divers Out There!

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Sherwood Avid Open Water PackageSherwood Avid Open Water Package

Gear Up With This Amazing Sale|Sherwood Avid Open Water Package with a $442.59 Discount!!

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Mares Smart Air Dive Computer w TransmitterMares Smart Air Dive Computer w Transmitter

Stay Under The Radar With The Sherwood Profile Computer Compact Console And Grab A Sweet $125.00 Discount. 

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Sherwood Ladies Scuba Gear System PackageSherwood Ladies Scuba Gear System Package

Sherwood Ladies Scuba Gear System Package|Limited $429.00 Discount!!

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Our Sales Never End! Get 30% Off With Our Packages And Keep Coming Back For More!!

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Hog D3 Zenith Scuba Package with Dive ComputerHog D3 Zenith Scuba Package with Dive Computer

Mares Smart Air with Transmitter Comes With Smart Deals, Get $370.00 Off!!

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Scuba Dive Computer Mystery BoxScuba Dive Computer Mystery Box

Ready for a deep dive into savings? Check out our Scuba Dive Computer Mystery Box and get a whopping $230.00 Discount!!

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Micro 3.0 Limited Edition Explorer SetMicro 3.0 Limited Edition Explorer Set

Dive into comfort and control with the Cressi Scorpion BCD|where innovation meets versatility in a lightweight design. Experience buoyancy at its best! Get $20.00 OFF!!

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Aqua Lung Blizzard Drysuit MenAqua Lung Blizzard Drysuit Men

Aqua Lung Blizzard Drysuit|ONLY A FEW LEFT!! $300.00 Discount!!

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Mares Smart Air Dive Computer w TransmitterMares Smart Air Dive Computer w Transmitter

Get Fresh Design And Easy Versatility With The I200c Dive Computer, Plus The Power To Send And Manage Your Dive Data Wirelessly!

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Oceanic + Smart Housing for iPhoneOceanic + Smart Housing for iPhone

Now You Can Use Your iPhone As Both An Underwater Camera And A Dive Computer!! $100.00 Discount!!

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SeaLife SportDiver Underwater Housing for iPhone & AndroidSeaLife SportDiver Underwater Housing for iPhone & Android

Capture underwater adventures with the SeaLife SportDiver housing and your iPhone. Effortlessly play back footage with the free app.

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Micro 3.0 Limited Edition Explorer SetMicro 3.0 Limited Edition Explorer Set

Don't Let The Opportunity "Seal" Away! "Sea" The Day With The Latest Sealife Micro 3.0 Camera And Save Over $400.00!!

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To order please call us toll-free within the US 800-999-3483 or 478-474-6790 international.

Not sure what to get? Try a Divers Supply Gift Card. Available in any amount and Redeemable at any Divers Supply location, online and over the phone. It's EASY, it's FAST, and it's CONVENIENT. Take the guesswork out of getting the right gift for the scuba diver in your life. With a Divers Supply Gift card you know they will be getting just what they wanted. Perfect for all the divers in your life.


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Are you ready to make your diving dreams come true? We know how passionate you are about diving, and that's why we've put together our biggest sale of the year. This Black Friday, we're offering incredible savings on all the diving gear you love — and some exciting new equipment you might have been eyeing.

Whether you're planning your next tropical adventure or gearing up for local dives, we have special Black Friday scuba diving gear. This is the perfect time to treat yourself to that upgrade you've been thinking about.

So, don't miss out on these amazing savings. Visit us in-store or online to discover all our scuba diving Black Friday deals. Your next underwater adventure is waiting, and now you can enjoy it with top-quality gear at the best prices of the year.

Remember, these special prices won't last forever. Treat yourself to the diving gear you deserve today, and make every future dive even more spectacular. We can't wait to help you find the perfect equipment for your next underwater journey!

Black Friday Scuba Equipment Deals for Everyone

Beginner and experienced divers: we have what you need

Just starting your diving journey? We remember our first diving experiences and want yours to be perfect. That's why we've made it easier than ever to get started with complete beginner sets at fantastic prices. And if you're an experienced diver, you'll love our deals on professional-grade equipment — from those ultra-comfortable regulators to the latest dive computers that track every detail of your underwater adventures.

Deals for all-weather diving

Getting ready for those chilly winter dives? Stay cozy underwater with our selection of top-quality wetsuits and drysuits. We've picked out the most comfortable and reliable thermal protection gear because we know how important it is to stay warm when you're exploring those deeper waters.

Diving gear for photographers at special prices

For all our underwater photographers out there — yes, we've thought of you too! We've got amazing deals on everything you need to capture those magical underwater moments. From camera housings to lighting systems, you'll find all your photography gear at prices that will make you smile.

Diving gear, bundled and on sale

Here's something extra special: we've put together some fantastic equipment bundles that give you even bigger savings when you buy related items together. It's like having a diving expert personally shop with you, picking out pieces that work perfectly together — and you'll save even more than buying them separately.

Scuba Black Friday Deals from Divers Supply

Top diving gear at excellent prices

We know that diving equipment is an investment, and we want you to feel confident about every purchase. That's why every piece of gear we sell comes with a solid warranty and has been carefully selected by our team of diving enthusiasts. We've tested these products ourselves because we believe in only selling equipment we'd use on our own dives.

So, take your time to browse and shop online at Divers Supply. Our website makes it easy to find exactly what you need, with detailed information and clear photos of every product. And if you need any help, we are happy to answer questions and share our diving experience.

If you are worried about making such a big purchase online, don't be. Our team of experienced divers is here to help you every step of the way. And if you have any questions about which gear is right for you, just reach out. We love talking diving and will help you find the perfect equipment for your underwater adventures.

We’re here for you

We've made sure shopping is stress-free with flexible payment options and free shipping on many diving items. After all, we believe great diving equipment should be accessible to every passionate diver.

And once you've got your new gear, we're still here for you. Our experienced team will make sure your equipment fits perfectly and works exactly as it should. Think of us as your diving buddies on land!

This Black Friday sale is our way of supporting your diving passion. We know that great equipment makes every dive better, safer, and more enjoyable. That's why we're offering these incredible deals — because we want you to have the best possible experience on every dive.

So, shop at Divers Supply today and enjoy the best diving equipment for the ultimate underwater adventure!